Interartists Amsterdam has moved!

We are very happy to announce Interartists Amsterdam has moved office. We now reside in the iconic Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ.

This exciting concert hall not only offers an adventurous program, ranging from Renaissance vocal music to dozens of world premieres each year, it also houses multiple organisations connected to the musical field and a grand cafe with a spectacular view.

Our new address is:

Piet Heinkade 5

1019 BR Amsterdam

Already before the first Covid-19 lockdown we noticed our landline was hardly ever used. Of course this is now less the case. This led to the decision to abandon a landline all together at the new office. As always you can call us on our mobile phones, the numbers you can find on our website. Also our postbox is no longer in use.

We are looking forward to welcoming you and showing you around at the Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ as soon as the restrictions are lifted.


Ydeleine Berntsen joins the Interartists Amsterdam team


Deborah Cachet joins Interartists Management