Alex Potter
Alex Potter
Alex Potter is managed worldwide by Rozemarijn Tiben and Fernando de Testa.
Artist Manager
T: +31 6 34 272 282
Assistant Artist Manager
T: +33 7 48 25 93 63
“The lion’s share was for Alex Potter, for the quantity and quality of his interventions, in particular the arias Bereite dich, Zion, mit zärtlichen Trieben and Schlafe, mein Liebster, geniesse der Ruh, which he performed with exceptional taste and delicacy.”
“The tender and saving conclusion was a catharsis, preceded by a moving solo by Alex Potter, which became the revelation of the evening. The countertenor skilfully blended fragility, lucidity and emotional intelligence.”
“Of the five vocal soloists, countertenor Alex Potter brought his emotions to the fore most strongly with his warm, seductive tone in both Qui sedes and Agnus Dei.”
“It is with the Salvator Mundi, salva nos, that we have the opportunity to appreciate the superb voice of Alex Potter, alto. Full and warm, very lively in the ensembles, his voice becomes smooth and warm in his solo interventions, easily filling the nave of the building. A pleasure of interpretation and phrasing, giving the ensembles a very Gothic élan and depth.”
“In a highly inspired and engaged performance, the countertenor Alex Potter with his alto tessitura commands the soul to be joyful through this valley of pain, leading to Paradise.”